Our Wirehaired Vizslas


Wirehaired Vizsla sleeping


Cash has a beautiful coat. Her coat is long with wires intermixed all over, and has a rustic golden look. Her coat looks gorgeous right after a bath. She takes the most grooming of all our dogs (needs her coat stripped 3-4 times per year). She weighs approximately 50 lbs. and is very tall and lean.


Cash has a highly-loveable personality. The only way to fully encapture her personality is to say she truly thinks she is human. She is very food-oriented, and gets the biggest grin and tail wag anytime food is
brought out. She also gets equally excited whenever she sees her humans. She communicates by jumping up in the back of the pickup to let us know she wants to go for an adventure. She is also the self-appointed General when we are out in the field. She honors the point like it’s her calling in life.
Cash is our self-appointed pack leader and rule pusher. She is a personality dog. She makes us growl,
question, and especially laugh at the things she does.


Wirehaired Vizsla in a truck bed


Hadley is the smallest of our dogs weighing roughly 40 lbs. Although she is small, she is very physically fit and quick—and has the physic to prove it. Her coat is short and very wiry, giving her a sandy colored appearance.


Hadley has the energy of the energizer bunny in her 40lb body. She will always be up for another throw of a bumper or frisbee and will chase after them as if her life depended on it. She loves loves loves birds and will look at you as if saying, “Did you see them??!” Yet as soon as she steps foot in the house, she is quiet and will not make a peep unless she hears a dog on the tv. She is very obedient and wants to please her owners more than anything.
Beware of the “I’m still here tap” which has made many a man grunt!


Male Wirehaired Vizsla


Danger a looker. He often gets compliments on how handsome he looks. He has a big frame weighing approximately 60 lbs. He is very long and broad shouldered. He has a very short reddish coat with a good number of lighter colored wires on his beard, legs, and chest.


Danger is a happy, friendly, go-lucky dog. He’s very curious and will instantly be your friend. He is very obedient and eager to please. He can be timid at times but has always been a great family dog- loving to come in and cuddle. He loves to catch snowballs in the air, play with Hadley outside, and is always up for a game of fetch. He’s got a big frame as well as a big heart.